Texas Car Accident Facts

car accident damage shattered glass

While being involved in a car accident is never fun and can cause a whole slew of physical and financial issues, not all car accidents are created equal. Some are far more tragic than others.

The following list contains notable car accident facts and statistics as they relate to the state of Texas. Read up on which data may relate to your driving habits and then apply the safe driving techniques listed at the end of the blog to avoid becoming one of these statistics in the future.

The Data

Since it is the second-largest state in the United States, it’s no surprise that Texans tend to do a lot of driving. According to the Texas Department of Transportation:

  • Texans drove a total of 272,989 billion miles and still managed to record a 1.77% decrease in traffic fatalities from 2016 to 2017.
  • There was a total of 3,727 lives lost as a result of car accidents in Texas.
  • Far more injuries occurred as a result of motor vehicle accidents than deaths. A total of 254,415 people were injured, compared to the aforementioned 3,727 deaths.
  • Of all motor vehicle traffic deaths, 35.17% were single vehicle, run-off-the-road crashes. That’s 1,311 deaths.
  • There was not one single deathless day on Texas roadways in 2017.
  • A total of 763 people were killed in accidents that happened in or around intersections. Head-on wrecks accounted for 553 deaths.
  • The two deadliest times of year are around the holidays—November through early January—and in the middle of the summer—July.
  • Wearing your seatbelt is important. In 2017, nearly 40% of recorded fatalities did not utilize seatbelts.
  • Rural area car wreck fatalities barely surpassed those in dense areas, accounting for 52.37% of all traffic fatalities in the state. That totals 1,952 deaths.
  • A tragic 499 motorcyclists lost their lives—51% of which were not wearing helmets when the crashes occurred.
  • Alcohol-related crashes accounted for 28% of the total number of people killed in car accidents in 2017, which resulted in 1,046 deaths. The most popular time of day for alcohol-related wrecks was between 2:00-2:59 am, and the majority of these crashes occurred on Sundays.
  • Distracted driving accounted for 451 deaths, which was a 2% decrease from 2016.

As unfortunate as it is, many of these accidents that resulted in serious injuries and even deaths could have been avoided. That is why it is so important to utilize safe driving practices at all times.

Why Does This Data Matter to Me?

Whether you drive a car, truck, motorcycle, or long-haul truck, you can avoid getting into catastrophic auto accidents which result in fatalities or serious injuries like those listed above. There are tried-and-true driving practices you can employ that are designed to keep you safe.

Utilize these defensive driving techniques in order to reduce your chances of being involved in a car accident:

  • Stay alert at all times. Don’t drive when you are tired. Turn off notifications and leave your phone somewhere you cannot easily access it. Avoid looking down to change the radio, and leave all other distractions at home.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you always know what’s going on ahead of you, on all sides of you, and behind you. Always leave yourself a way out. Make sure you have somewhere to go if any of the vehicles around you make a split-second decision and you are forced to react.
  • Expect mistakes. You should always follow right-of-way rules, but don’t assume that everyone understands them. Don’t proceed at a stop sign if you are not 100% certain the other driver approaching the intersection will also stop.

If you find yourself involved in a car accident, the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Troy A. Brookover can help. Our San Antonio personal injury attorneys have over 25 years of success and are devoted to providing vigorous representation for Texans who’ve been harmed by others’ negligence. With thousands of cases handled, our firm has the knowledge and skills required to defend your case. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients throughout the years, and we look forward to litigating your case, too.

Contact our firm at 210-941-1515 today to discuss your rights.

Troy Brookover was born and raised in San Antonio. He established Law Offices of Troy A. Brookover so that he could make a difference in the community and help accident victims recover compensation to get back on their feet after being injured by someone else’s negligence. He brings more than 30 years of legal experience to the table, which he leverages in every case.