San Antonio Elder Abuse Attorney

elder abuse lawyer

Exposing Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect in Bexar County, TX

Our elderly loved ones are placed into the care of nursing homes so they can receive proper medical care and treatment. As San Antonio’s elderly population continues to rise, so does the number of families seeking nursing home care – and, unfortunately, the incidents of elder abuse. Many elder abuse and neglect cases go unreported simply because nobody witnesses the act.

Even when the act is witnessed, fellow employees may cover for their co-workers. In severe cases, employees might strategically position the patient, hide injured areas of the body with bandages, or claim that the person caused the injury to themselves. In cases of neglect, the patient does not receive adequate care across the board. They might develop bed sores, become malnourished, or develop bleeding, broken skin areas from lack of proper care.

If you suspect elder abuse of any kind, call our San Antonio elder abuse attorney. We can get to work immediately protecting your loved one’s rights.

Protecting the Rights of Elders in Texas Nursing Homes

Patients in nursing homes are often denied their rights. While the law states that patients have the right to refuse treatment, select their own personal physician, and avoid being tied down unnecessarily, many are denied these rights. They are subjected to the care and treatment of whoever might be on duty at the time, whether skilled or unskilled. They are isolated from their peers, friends, or fellow nursing home residents.

They are required to bathe every day, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exposes their bodies to numerous strangers. In short, nursing home and elder abuse is humiliating, dehumanizing, and in many cases represents criminal behavior.

As a San Antonio personal injury lawyer, Troy fights back against all types of nursing home abuse, including:

  • Malnutrition
  • Improper restraints
  • Overmedication and medication errors
  • Negligent supervision of elderly patients
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Improper isolation
  • Lack of proper hygiene
  • Bed sores
  • Neglect of elderly patients

Benefits of Hiring an Elder Abuse Attorney

An elder abuse attorney ensures the needs of seniors are met, now and in the future. Working alongside an experienced elder abuse attorney can make sure your future and your loved ones are taken care of.

They can provide you with tailored care. Every situation is unique and we will work with you to determine the best route of action.

Put 30+ Years of Experience in Your Corner

With over 30 years of experience in the field of injury law, Troy Brookover has extensive experience in aggressively fighting for the rights of elder abuse victims and their families. He provides a level of care and compassion that makes every client feel at home, while he and the rest of our team fight to pursue fair compensation for pain, suffering, personal injury, emotional trauma, and the denial of rights according to the law. Troy can meet with you and your loved one at the nursing home, in your home, or at his office to conduct a completely free consultation for your injuries.